Bespoke Model Railway Layouts built to Commission.
Model Railways, Model Railway Layouts, Model Railway Scenery, Dioramas, Model Railway Layout Builders., CNC cutting, West Kent.
scenic model railways
scenic model railways
Specialists in all aspects of
Bespoke Model Railway Layouts
Scratch-built Buildings
Model Scenery
CNC cutting service for bespoke baseboards, control panels, etc.
Bespoke model railway layouts, scenic dioramas, scratch built buildings and structures, signalling systems.
Hello, I'm Nevile Reid, creator of scenic model railways . I hope you enjoy this website, and if, having browsed, you feel encouraged to contact me to discuss a commission, then the website has done its job. If not, then I hope you enjoy the pictures, and if they inspire you to do some modelling of your own, then so much the better!

scenic model railways is based in West Kent, United Kingdom.
40 years' experience of model railway construction
"My job is to build you the layout you want, not the layout I might think you want."
Layout Building Service
Layouts to suit anyone from Children to Enthusiasts.
Portable / Minimum Space / Under-bed / Loft / Garage / etc.
Any Gauge. Any Era. Any Region.
Exhibition-standard Scenery.
Scenic refurbishment.
Scratch-built Prototype Buildings, etc.
Signals and Automatic Signalling Systems.
Shop Window and Display Dioramas.
Layouts to suit anyone from Children to Enthusiasts.
Portable / Minimum Space / Under-bed / Loft / Garage / etc.
Any Gauge. Any Era. Any Region.
Exhibition-standard Scenery.
Scenic refurbishment.
Scratch-built Prototype Buildings, etc.
Signals and Automatic Signalling Systems.
Shop Window and Display Dioramas.
New Layouts ....
Rickmansworth Church Street
(and Batchworth Locks)

* * * *
'Waterloo to Weymouth'
Details to follow.

CNC cutting service
(in West Kent)
Ideal for baseboards and control panels, etc.
(but we will cut anything!)
Any shape and size (up to 3m x1.5m) to your specifications.
We can cut, drill, and engrave plywood, MDF, laminates, acrylic, aluminium, and most other sheet materials to a very high degree of accuracy.
Send us your .dxf or .dwg file, or we can work from your dimensions.
Commercial work welcome.
(CNC = Computer Numerical Control)

The images on this site have been optimized for the website but in all other respects are straight from the camera and have not been 'airbrushed' or in any way altered or improved.
This Website was 'born' on 8th March 2006 and last updated on 15th August 2020.
I owe my grateful thanks to Graham Webb whose work on minimum space layouts gave me the inspiration, and to Peter Morley who gave me the motivation to put that inspiration to good use. Also to Richard Wendon for teaching me how to master a website. Thanks too to Phil Griffiths for making my workshop happen. And a special thank you to Anita and to our children Nevile, Emily, Jessie and Fiona who have had a lot to put up with!

www. scenicmodelrailways.com
www. scenicmodelrailways.com
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is a member of the following directories and webrings:
Historical Model Railway Society
Comprehensive site for All UK Railway Modellers, Historians and Enthusiasts.

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