Layout - 'Widbury-on-Sea'
a scenic model railways layout –
Incorporating Little Hanbury and Poles Lane
An OO-gauge DCC round-the-room layout, 11'6" x 6'6"
1950s BR(SR), Sussex Coast.
Poles Lane....
Widbury Beach....
Baseboard - Birch ply (CNC cut) - standard Scenic Model Railways design.
Trackwork - Peco code 75 eloctrofrog.
Point motors - Tortoise.
Signals - Hand made using Model Signal Engineering components.
Signalling System - Fully automatic, operated by Tortoise motors and activators, electronics by Heathcote Electronics.
DCC System - Controller ZTC. Clients Locos fitted with DCC Sound by Olivia's Trains.
Automatic station stop system - Utilising Lenz decoders with ABC and Constant Braking Distance. Sensors by Heathcote Electronics.
Control panel - Laminate, CNC drilled.
Buildings - Widbury station building, station cafe, goods shed, coaling stage and loco shed - scratch built (see our buildings). Church - kit built. Other buildings - off the shelf by Bachmann Scenecraft and others.
Beach Scene - Details and figures by Langley Models, groins scratch built, water created using Woodland Scenics materials.
Lamps - RMLectronics and Viessmann. Loco yard lamps custom made by RMLectronics.
Trees - Realistic Modelling Services.

Branchline descending to under-board storage sidings (in blue).
Track plan approximate only.
Compiled using Empire Express track planning software.