Layout - 'Friarsgate'
A scenic model railways layout -
An n-gauge layout, 5'6" x 2'6", freestanding.
Trackwork - Peco 'setrack' with wired frogs. Super-elevation on the curves.
Ballast - Woodland Scenics.
Point motors - Gaugemaster/SEEP. Relay Boards - Heathcote Electronics.
Front panel - Polycarbonate, CNC drilled. Controller - Gaugemaster. Transformers - Gaugemaster, Heathcote Electronics.
Buildings and structures - Off-the-shelf - Bachmann 'Scenecraft' and others.
Fencing and additional detailing - Ratio, Scalelink, Peco and others. Some items scratch-built.
Station signs - Station Signs.
Lighting - Viessmann.
Signals - 2 and 3 aspect signals by CR Signals, fully automatic, with electronics and infrared sensors by Heathcote Electronics.
Trees and Shrubbery - Trees - Seamoss (GreenScene) with Realistic Modelling Services foliage. Shrubbery - Hekiflor.
Grass - Woodland Scenics
Figures - Preiser, Bachmann 'Scenecraft'.
Vehicles and stock - supplied by our client.
Baseboard and support structure - standard scenic model railways design.

Trackplan compiled using Empire Express track planning software.